Archive for November, 2015

Hezekiah Henry 'Harry' Jones, aged 18/19. (Walsall Local History Centre)

Hezekiah Henry ‘Harry’ Jones, aged 18/19. (Walsall Local History Centre)

Hezekiah’s medal card indicates that he wasn’t in France before 1916 as he wasn’t awarded a ‘1915 Star’, but we do know that he did reach the war zone sometime that year as he was invalided back to England suffering from influenza, a potential killer in those days…

Charles Mears outside his butcher's shop in Wyrley, 1931. (GWLHS)

Charles Mears outside his butcher’s shop in Wyrley, 1931. (GWLHS)

As it turned out neither Percy or the other Mears lads on the ‘serving’ plaques had much in the way of surviving war records, so in order to make an article I decided to try and fit them all into their family context and understand their relationship – assuming there was one. Further, I also wondered if there was a connection between any of them and the butcher’s business in Great Wyrley and it turned out that not only was there a wider family connection to the Great War, but there was to butchery as well…